Numbers : From Zero to Infinity
While I was at the Arte Studio Ginestrelle residency in Assisi, Italy, I turned 40, and as a gesture of honouring this rite of passage, these small abstract oil paintings emerged. I had not intended to paint around the topic of turning 40, however this transitory exploration happened of it’s own accord. I found myself placing certain numbers in my paintings and quickly realized that some part of me was reflecting on my 30’s and my memories of the years past, as well as preparing for the quickly approaching new decade.
With time, the Numbers series continued to develop, as did its meaning.
The poem I wrote below gives a glimpse on where it ventured.
Numbers: from Zero to Infinity
I am a number
Filled with colors and shades
And layers and depths.
Brimming with humors and traits
Like those that you hold.
I mark time and space
Offering order to
Whatever you need me for,
Like a ticking clock in the night.
I'm at your disposal
To track and organize.
Mapping the mystery
Through measurement;
An astronomer eyeing the sky.
I embody and reflect
Parts of the whole.
A kaleidoscope smiling out
From a shattered mirror.
The warrior, the lover, the artist
The builder, the adventurer, the mother,
The philosopher, the alchemist, the philanthropist.
Mix me up as you will
Like colors on a canvas,
Bringing weight and thought
To your existence.
However, beyond my form and raison d'être
Resides a force much larger and immense.
I am an ambassador of infinity.
I may be here as a separate individual
But if you look deep within
I am much more than 1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6 and 7, 8, 9.
I am all numbers
I am no number
I am infinity, in a moment.